Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dolphin Swim Meets 2008

We have had alot of fun at the swim meets this summer!! We are getting the hang of it now that Nicole has been on the Dolphins for a year!! Here are a few shots of her and her buddies at some meets this summer!! I'm sure you all know how difficult it is to get good swim most of these are stills....I stink at action shots....unless of course you like a good shot of someones foot!!Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Quick Trip to So. Cal for the 4th!!

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Disney World June 2008

We went to Disney World In June 2008! We have never had so much fun and yet been so exhausted! It is a must do vacation, but remember you need at least a week! Disney World is HUGE!
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Okay...I have found that blogging is the way to share pictures! It will be much easier for me to post here and you can all visit and see whats going on with the Rice's!! Thank you Jeff & Jody, Baskin family and Joel & Crystal for paving the way for me to attempt this!!! I tried to email pictures from our Disney World Vacation and some pictures of Nicole at swim meets and found that to be a have created "Rice Adventures" I will try to keep up, although I am not as gifted as Jeff at writing, I will try!! Please forgive in advance all typos! and Let's GO!!