Friday, October 17, 2008



Okay ... I am not a big conservationist or anything, oh sure I recycle our soda cans, and turn the lights off when I leave the room, and I turn of the water while I brush my teeth. But a shocking statistic for all of you, we have been here a short 8 years and we have watched Miles and Miles of water ways close up on the ever shrinking Beautiful Lake Mead!!! In 2000 the water level was 1,215ft and today in October of 2008 it is at 1,105ft!!! Drought levels are considered to be anything 1,175 or lower! Please remember to conserve. The minority CAN change the majority if we continue to remind people, turn off the hose, turn off the faucet, only do full loads of laundry, only do full loads of dishes...fix that drippy faucet. We LOVE Lake Mead!! California, Nevada and Arizona all NEED Lake Mead. Thanks for letting me vent!! These are my opinions....what's yours?
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